Freitag, 2. Dezember 2011


The month startet horrendous. Meanwhile I was $4k down which means ~ 400 avg BI. Overall.

After this I got up $3k which meant I was only $1k behind my stand at the 1st October. I thought the downswing, which lasts now ober 2,5k games, would be over.

I was motivated to grind and to reach Platinum Star again since a long time. For this I had to play a big session on the last day of the month because I had to grind 1,1k VPP.

What came out? - Right, I experienced my biggest down-day ever in 180s, $1,5k and so made the month to a loosing one by the last day and pushed me back to $3k down since peak October.


Now I´m Platinum but really fucked up at the moment. I´m now BE since 2,5k games and 300 BI down since October. This sucks a little.

Well, here the graphs, although Sharkscope imitates a wrong view. I´m down about $800 this month. But you can easily see the last day of the month I mentioned...