Sonntag, 20. März 2011

Little Update

Although I said that I won´t have much time this month, I´ll managed to get a high volume for me. This is based on the fact of playing continuously instead of sets. It really makes a big difference if you just playing once a day instead of 3 times or more. The one session doesn´t seem so long if you compare it to 3 sets. Of course you may say, this is normal, but I mean this from the mental side.

Here the graph of the last 11 days since my last update.

P.S.: My graphs look very horrible. I should take them out...
And I don´t know if I should continue this blog because just updating boring $12 graphs doesn´t interest many people. At least I think so?
Perhaps I´m just a little frustrated how things went (downswing etc) and so on...

3 Kommentare:

  1. keeeeeeeeeep updating!
    doesnt matter which stakes u play!!! im always interested in reading updates!
    its just a matter of time when u'll be back at the mid stakes!
    GLGL bro!

  2. I am a grinder at the very same stakes with you. I would very much like to exchange strategies and gameplay opinions with you. Please e-mail me at or add me at msn:

    Looking forward to your response.


  3. Hey,

    thank you for your offer exchange some strategies. But I don´t have time and motivation to talk about the strategie on the $12 with someone random which speaks not my language. I don´t think there is any value in it for me seen on the aspect that I play this limit only because of the variance...

    But anyway good luck in poker.
